Join the Team

We are currently recruiting team members for the 2022-2023 school year. Positions typically start and end in the late fall, around October. A comprehensive list of positions is shown below. In addition, we are planning on expanding our group with three new positions: representatives from the School of Nursing, School of Public Health, and the Physician Assistant Program. If interested in any of our positions, please fill out the form below. If you would like more information on these positions, feel free to reach out to any of the members currently on our board. Note: Most board meetings will be on Zoom.


The co-presidents are responsible for leading the club and staying in contact with other organizations both in and outside of the school of medicine. In addition, responsibilities include planning and attending all board meetings, keep track of finances, constant communication with the organization's advisor and the OSEE office, taking charge of club meetings/events, and establishing collaborations.

Requirements: Must be a current MS1 or MS2 (central campus placement in application phase).

Program Chair

The program chair must plan to attend all board meetings (once a month). In addition, the program chair is expected to work closely with the co-presidents, plan a timeline for scheduled events, update social media accounts and GroupMe, manage the website, organize time for club meetings, and ensure dates do not conflict with other events.

Requirements: Must be a current medical student, preference given to students in the foundation phase.

Class Representatives

The class representative must attend 60% of board meetings, assist with events, and advocate for IMA events in the upper classes.

Requirements: Must be a current MS3 or MS4.

Allied School Liaisons

The IMA liaison must attend 80% of board meetings, help with events, and advocate for IMA events in each respective program.

  • School of Pharmacy

  • School of Dentistry

  • School of Nursing

  • School of Public Health

  • Physician Assistant Program

Requirements: Must be a current student (any year) within the respective program.

Undergraduate Representatives

Undergraduate Representatives must attend 80% of board meetings, help with events, plan mentorship opportunities for pre-health students, and serve as the point of contact between IMA and UNC-MSA.

Requirements: Must be a current undergraduate student (any year).