Events & Planning

Due to the nature of healthcare, the Islamic Medical Association has a broad scope with regards to the events and activities which we host. Naturally, our events center around our core values and act to fulfill our mission statement. Ideas and suggestions are always welcome as we strive to improve. Cross-collaborations with other entities is always welcomed and considered. If you have any ideas for events or would like to collaborate with the Islamic Medical Association, please fill out the forms below. This page contains a glossary of some of the events hosted so far by the Islamic Medical Association.

2023 Ramadan Iftar

In 2023, the Islamic Medical Association hosted our second annual Ramadan Iftar for the health professions schools, with speakers Imam Mohamed Badawy and Dr. Ali Calikoglu, MD. Speakers discussed the significance of fasting, as well as caring for Muslim patients with diabetes during Ramadan. It was wonderful to share this tradition with the UNC community!

2023 Ramadan Baskets

During Ramadan of 2023, the Islamic Medical Association raised over $4500 for food baskets to support refugee families in the Triangle area. This year, we were able to provide 54 families (over 300 people!) with staples such as rice, lentils, oil and dates. This was in continuation of our annual project,  which started in 2021. 

General Body Meetings

Stop by our next general body meeting to learn more about how to get involved with the IMA and meet fellow IMA members! 

2022 Ramadan Baskets

During Ramadan of 2022, the Islamic Medical Association raised over $4000 to assemble food baskets which were distributed to over 40 refugee families within the Triangle area. These food baskets contained essentials such as rice, lentils, oil, and bread, as well as classic Ramadan staples such as dates. These packages were well-received within our community and is a continuation of the Ramadan basket tradition which was started in 2021.

Ramadan Iftar

In Ramadan of 2022, the Islamic Medical Association hosted an iftar for its members. It was incredibly rewarding to bring together the members of our community to break our fast during the holy month of Ramadan.. Stories and laughter were exchanged over delicious Turkish (halal) food.

Undergraduate Panel

The Islamic Medical Association hosted a panel in conjunction with the UNC Muslim Student Association to provide panelists representing the various health professions. This allowed prospective undergraduate students to ask questions and gain guidance regarding pursuing a career in the health sciences.

Mosque Education

The Islamic Medical Association hosted an educational session regarding COVID-19 and community health at the Raleigh Islamic Institute.  The educational session included over 30 children with ages ranging from 6-14 years old. Topics included the science behind viruses and vaccinations. Also included was a discussion pertaining to community health and how each individual can make a difference.

Monthly Flyers Project

In 2022, the Islamic Medical Association began a project where we post monthly informative flyers regarding various topics in Islam with a loose connection to healthcare. These topics serve to raise awareness on subjects that are often relevant to current situations. These flyers can also be found on our Instagram page!